Kremer Resources offers over 30 different topical insight church Bible study classesthat are excellent for church Bible study, home Bible study, Barnabas groups, and youth groups. All of these Bible studies are doctrinally sound and have been edited by WELS, ELS, or LCMS pastors and teachers.
God's Church: Early Beginnings Description
Recommended Ages: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
Format: Download
Price: $39.99
The history of the Lutheran Christian Church from its beginnings at Pentecost right up to the early Lutheran settlements makes an ideal study anytime of the year. Here again, there are two separate disks available each with six sessions. The first set follows the church beginning with Pentecost and then through the Middle Ages. Many historical stops are made following the church as it grows through the beginnings of the Catholic Church, the early reformers and the beginnings of Martin Luther’s ministry. Here’s a wonderful course to use during the Reformation time of year. It can also work well in a junior high student religion course.
1. Early Beginnings of Christianity
2. The Church Grows
3. The Power of the Pope
4. Monasticism
5. Forerunners of the Reformation
6. Luther Discovers the Truth