Reynold Kremer Christian Books

"The Christian Living in Today's World"

People of the Bible Devotions

About the Book

Pages: 105

Available Formats: Paperback

Publisher: Kremer Resources LLC

ISBN: 978-0-578-95667-1

There is a lot on the minds of Christian’s today. No need to be a rocket scientist to realize that the world of the Christian is becoming smaller and smaller. Outside evils are pressing hard in many areas of our lives. And we realize that the coming generations will have obstacles to deal with that we never even considered.

We live in a world that is quickly changing. Attacks on our family structure, political unrest, and open hostility to God’s people are now rampant in our country and a part of our daily discussions. No wonder our Savior repeatedly told his followers that trials and hatred would be the rule not the exception. Paul wrote to Timothy: “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of” (2 Timothy 3:12-14). How fitting those words are today.

This book takes an insightful look at six areas of great concern to God’s people. But it is not written to cause depression or anxiety. It would be easy to do that. My hope is that this study will help us become more aware of the enemy who is stalking us, our churches, and our families. This awareness will help us become better armed with the weapons God has provided and it will cause us to rejoice, knowing God is in control and he will be the Victor in the end.

On the wall behind my desk, I have posted: “We know how the story ends—HE WINS!” I pray that these sessions will give Christians an opportunity to better understand these problem areas, discover what God has to say, and go forward with renewed hope in the Lord’s sovereignty. God’s Word still stands: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21).

This study is intended for personal use or as a group Bible study course. Discussion questions are provided throughout.



The Christian Living in Today’s Hostile Environment
The Christian Living in Today’s Family Environment
The Christian Living in Today’s Educational Environment
The Christian Living in Today’s Political Environment
The Christian Living in Today’s Technological Environment
The Christian Living in Any Environment


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About the Author

Reynold R. Kremer has written many Bible studies for churches and schools as well as curriculum for children’s vacation Bible school and Sunday school. For 15 years Mr. Kremer served as a Christian school principal and has been employed as a writer and marketing director for Kremer Publications of Butler, Wisconsin. Reynold Kremer has since retired, yet keeps his schedule busy writing and presentating lectures on the Amish people.