About the Kremer Childrens Worship Service
Kremer Resources has produced this complete childrens worship service and other church worship programs for special Christian holidays and occasions. These church worship services include music, accompaniment CD, narration, and participation by children, youth or the entire congregation.
You may order as a shipped CD or as immediate downloaded files. Each childrens worship service comes with:
- Reproducible Teacher/Student Score on CD or sent to you via the Internet. (Both scores are formatted in PDF - the Student Score is also in Word format.)
- Sing-Along/Accompaniment music on CD or sent via the internet as an MP3. (You will need proper software to change the internet MP3 versions into a listening CD.)
Kremer Resources produces these church worship services especially for WELS, ELS, ELCA, and LCMS churches. The church worship programs are written by a Lutheran grade school principal and edited by Lutheran professors and pastors.
"O Give Thanks" Childrens Worship Service Description
Grades: K-9
Length: Complete Worship Service
Group Size: Any
This interactive childrens worship service allows your school children to join in a special service of Thanksgiving. It includes Old Testament and New Testament and Gospel readings, plus a responsive psalm, hymn suggestions for the congregation, and a time set aside for a message by the pastor. Children participate in this service with narration, recitations, and songs.
You receive TWO disks. One includes the printed service materials and student pages, sheet music and worship service bulletin template. The second disk included the accompaniment for the children’s songs.
SONGS: Three songs are included for the children to present:
- “Count Your Blessings”
- “Who Made the Sky So Bright and Blue”
- “All Things Bright and Beautiful”
Thanksgiving Worship Service Details
- Opening hymn by the congregation: “Now Thank We All Our God”
- Responsive reading for pastor, congregation and children
- Welcome by pastor (text is included)
- Children’s song: “All Things Bright and Beautiful” (text, CD accompaniment, & sheet music included)
- Confession and Absolution
- Old Testament Reading (taken from Joel 2)
- Responsive Psalm (text included)
- New Testament (Gospel) Reading (taken from John 6)
PART 1: O Give Thanks for Earthly Blessings
- Luther’s explanation to First Article
- Presentation by narrator and lower and middle grade Scripture recitations
- Children’s song: “Who Made the Sky So Bright and Blue” (text, CD accompaniment, & sheet music included)
- Sermon meditation based on 1 Thessalonians 5
- Offering
- Congregation hymn: “Come, You Thankful People, Come”
PART 2: O Give Thanks for Spiritual Blessings
- Responsive psalm by pastor, congregation and children
- Presentation by narrator and children
- Congregation hymn: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation”
- Sermon meditation based on Colossians 2
- Children’s song: “Count Your Blessings” (text, CD accompaniment, & sheet music included)
- Prayers and Benediction
- Congregation Hymn: “We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer Creator”