The Bible

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Grades 5-8

Grades 6-8

Grades 3-6

Classroom Devotions

"Let's Spend Some Time"

Free Classroom Devotion SamplesAbout Kremer Group Bible Study Programs

Kremer Resources offers over 30 different topical insights including these classroom devotions.  All of these Bible studies and devotions are doctrinally sound and have been edited by WELS, ELS, or LCMS pastors and teachers.  The lessons can be printed off of a CD-ROM.


Let's Spend Some Time Description

Recommended Ages: Grades 3-6

Number of Lessons: 120 Reproducible Devotions

Format: CD-ROM

Price: $35.99


This reproducible CD-ROM contains 28 topics, each divided into five days (works well for Monday through Friday) per topic giving you a total of 140 day’s worth of classroom devotions.


Like A TIME TO SEARCH, the "Let's Spend Some Time" series is also a workbook format that gets the students into the pages of the Bible. Students study topics such as Temptation, The Tongue, Happiness, Angels, Sickness and Health, Fear, and many more.


These classroom devotions are available as an instant download. Please note, however, that the download link is only available for seven days from the date of purchase.

Let's Spend Some Time
