Age: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
How does a Christian view the government? This youth Bible study gives great insight into these topics, including:
1. Government-Established by God
2. The United States-Designed to be Godly
3. The Christian & Civil Disobedience
4. The Christian's Role in Government
5. Mixing Church & State-Agenda or Fact?
6. An Overview of Today's Governments

Age: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
The world around us is proof of divine design. We see it in the remarkable universe and in the creatures all around us.
Youth Bible study lessons include:
1. The Geologic Column
2. God's Creatures
3. Survival of the Fittest
4. The Archeopteryx
5. How Old is the Earth?
6. The Remarkable Universe |

Age: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
Evolution has so much to say and so little proof. Just look at your body!
Teen Bible class lessons include:
1. What are the Odds?
2. The Perfect Machine-Our Bodies
3. Ape-Like Ancestors
4. The Devil's Disguise
5. Humanism and Evolution
6. No Time to Despair |

Age: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
Here we get a basic overview into the history and methods of evolution.
Youth Bible study essons include:
1. Is It Really Science?
2. Darwin's Dogma
3. Thermodynamics-Evolution's Enigma
4. Theistic Evolution
5. Was There a Big Bang?
6. Carbon Dating |

Age: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
LIFE ISSUES presents a solid Christian approach to life and how it is to be treated. Now more than ever, we need to instill in our people the basics of what God says about His creation - mankind.
Bible study lessons include:
1. A Look at Motive
2. What and When is Human Life
3. Life Protection Before Birth
4. Improving the Species: Genetic Engineering, Cloning, and Stem Cell Research
5. Care Near the End of Life
6. Making the Difference |
