Kremer Resources offers over 30 different topical insights, including the Islam Bible study, that are excellent for church Bible study, home Bible study, Barnabas groups, and youth groups. All of these Bible studies are doctrinally sound and have been edited by WELS, ELS, or LCMS pastors and teachers.
Islam: Quran vs. Holy Scripture Description
Recommended Ages: Junior High-Adult
Number of Lessons: Six
Format: Download
Price: $39.99
We hear reports daily of the terror threats and wars amid the Muslim countries of the world. Many in this massive religion are today trying to snuff out all other religions and maintain world dominance. Perhaps it is time to offer our members some insight into the history and teachings of this false religion. This course of six sessions takes an in-depth look at the history and teachings that belong to Islam. It also takes time to show what the Truth is as Scripture teaches it. This makes a worthwhile course presented to youth groups as well as adults.
1. The Beginning
2. The Five Pillars and Hadith
3. The Sects
4. God and Allah
5. The Bible and the Quaran
6. Daily Life, Special Issues