The Bible

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Grades 5-8

Grades 6-8

Grades 3-6

Youth Bible Study

"Getting to Know (and use) Your Bible"

Free Sample Group Bible Study SamplesAbout Kremer Group Bible Study Programs

Kremer Resources offers over 30 different topical insight youth Bible study classes that are excellent for church Bible study, home Bible study, Barnabas groups, and youth groups.  All of these Bible studies are doctrinally sound and have been edited by WELS, ELS, or LCMS pastors and teachers.


Getting to Know (and use) Your Bible Description

Recommended Ages: Junior High-Adult

Number of Lessons: Ten

Format: Download

Price: $39.99


The Bible Refresher course presents interesting background and educational information about the Word of God. Each session averages four pages and includes class discussion questions.

1. Inspiration
2. The Canon
3. Old Testament Review
4. The Psalms
5. The Proverbs
6. The Gospels
7. The Epistles
8. False Holy Books
9. Bible Study
10. God's Word in the Home


This youth Bible study is available as an instant download. Please note, however, that the download link is only available for seven days from the date of purchase.

Getting to Know Your Bible (Download)
